Saturday, October 11, 2008

Die in Coffin for A better Life?

Read this really interesting article

In short, it is a coffin ceremony where people pay money to climb into the coffin to 'die' so as to ward off bad karma and then they will inherit a clean karma and then good luck will come.

Mental rewind: Aren't we Christian born again? Aren't we died to our old self and reborn in Christ? Isn't that the same as dying in a coffin and to rise up again spiritually?

We are in the sense die to self, reborn into Christ and to inherit Abraham's blessings since we are his seed yes? Isn't that the most amazing thing ever?

Best part is this: it's free!!

And in this time when the world is in such financial chaos, I can safely say the blessings of God's shalom peace in wholeness , health and prospertiy is something we as Christians MUST embrace and MUST hold on to whenever we have doubts about our inheritance through Christ and IN Christ.

We are rich according to the HIS riches IN Heaven. As HE IS NOW, so are WE in this world.

Fellow Christians. Time to look UP. Seek His Righteousness which is already given to US NOW, and ALL, EVERYTHING, shall be ADDED unto us.

And when I mean seek, it is to constantly remind ourselves with HIS promises of blessings, of protection and of Shalom Peace.

We are reborn into riches in health, wholeness and wealth. Let not the devil snatch this inheritance away! As Pastor Copeland has declared once again. THIS RECESSION IS NOT OURS! It is for THIS World and we are not OF this world. We are IN it but not OF it. Whatever is happening to this world is not FOR us because we are not OF this world. We are reborn out of this world and into the realm of God's economy!

What is God's economy? Plentiful blessings!! No lack, no tears, no worries.


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