Monday, April 13, 2009

The Mist...Depravity of Men

I have watched The Mist over the weekend and I find myself very very angry and surprised myself when something bad happened. But when I cooled down I realised that Stephen King did reflect his opinion of overly fearful Charismatic/Evangelistic preaching when one face death. Time for some explanation.

One Mrs Carmody when trapped in the supermarket by The Mist was praying fervently to God about saving souls. What left an impression on me was the motivation behind the saving of souls; to save her own soul by bringing other souls to God.

That comes to mind about Christ sacrifice on the cross. As Apostle Paul puts it in the letter to Ephesians

For by grace you are saved, through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works, that not anyone should boast;
(Eph 2:8-9)

What it says here is this: We are already being saved, 'it is the gift of God' through Jesus Christ. If we are not saved through works but by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Why does Paul has to say that? Because if we are saved based on works, we can boast and Jesus is not magnified. If we can be saved through works, then why do we need Jesus on the cross? (Read Titus 3:5)

Hence Mrs Carmody's foundation of salvation is not at the right place. And that led her to preach wrongly from the Bible, especially from the book of revelation and gave the wrong solution to the people in the supermarket.

And the best part is the usage of this word 'expiation'

Definition: The atonement is a doctrine found within both Christianity and Judaism. It describes how sin can be forgiven by God.

And Mrs Carmody is right. The atonement of sin has to be of blood. What she is wrong is to use the blood of others as a form of sacrifice to the monsters in the mist.

Newsflash: Jesus blood is used for the expiation of our sins. Not of other animals and certainly not of tainted sinful humans,.

Out of Mrs Carmody's error comes the manipulation of fear that is used in religion to blame others for all the sins of the world that culminates in the appearance of the monsters. It is so bad that a soldier who has nothing to do with the experimentation gone wrong, was murdered and fed to the monsters.

So Mrs Carmody's motivation to save souls has instead condemn them to the sea of fire.

And that's when I feel 'great' when she was shot down for spewing words of hate. I am not proud of that moment but there are so many preachers that are doing just that: to turn people away from the love of God, His salvation through Christ and their insistance on works to save themselves.

Fear, some say, is the absence of faith.

One of the character who is a biker has a much much better understanding of God when he commented

“I believe in God, too. I just don’t think he’s the blood thirsty asshole you make him out to be.” –biker

Amen to that!!

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