Friday, June 12, 2009

More "Great Quotes"?

Today just received another email from Revival, and with the judgment of the author, he or she deemed fit these quotes as being 'Great'

Quote No. 1:

"Phone Interviewer: “Say you were asked, Leonard, to speak for
the annual convention of the National Religious Broadcasters,
and the Lord directed you to accept that invitation, what message
might you bring to that group?”

Ravenhill: “I believe I’d preach on hell."

Now what is exactly is the problem with the above?

When a 'man of God' has the chance to preach to the world, he don't preach about Christ, he decided to preach on hell.

Why would he want to do that? I mean, we are walking upon this earth that has seen nothing but death and destruction, of condemnation and of sin. Do we need another preacher that preaches on hell when every where around us, people are living in hell physically, mentally or worse, both physically and mentally.

If you are drowning, would you call to someone who shouts to you instructions on how to swim or would you want that person to save you or to notify the lifeguard?

We are already in sin, so why preach hell to the point that we already state the obvious so thoroughly so that people think they are not worthy to be saved?

So my question to you now is this, "Did God redeem the world through Christ on the cross before we are born?"

So technically speaking, we are saved so long we believed. And how to make a person to believe? The answer is to tell the good news that there is a saviour, hence we got the Gospel through the new testament.

Preaching on hell will just give the illusion that Satan's power is unassailable which is of course, bogus!

This world is already condemned because the power of sin is in the law. Preaching on hell won't make a person go to Jesus, it actually focuses the person to the negative judgment of condemnation upon the sinner. The alternative is to show a loving God, whom has made a tremendous sacrifice to let go of His Beloved SON and because of the SON's willingness to die on the cross, also show my Lord's love to the sinner. Won't that be a better attraction to the sinner?

Would any one want to go to an amusement park where all the rides are about punishment?

So why would it be any different if the person you are preaching to, would be repelled away because you kept on preaching hell?!? It just show that you do not know the true nature of Jesus salvation which is the Grace of Christ, and not the law of Moses.

Hark back to Moses. When God tells Moses not to strike the rock (happened in
Ex 17:5-6 ) but to speak to it (Num 20:8). Why the difference? And why such a heavy punishment where Moses is not even allowed to step into the promised land?

The reason is simple. Jesus is being compared to as a rock and being the CHIEF corner stone.

So striking the rock in the first instance, is the picture of Christ crucified. The second instance is only talking to the rock, which is prayer to Christ, that will bring forth water, and the water that Christ always profess, is the living water as told to the woman at the well in John 4.

So, for preachers out there, don't preach the sins of the world and damnation, but preach and speak to the ROCK, that will bring forth living water from Christ, the good news of salvation, for the thirsty multitude of this world will willingly drink from Him if we show the correct picture of God and of Christ!

So is the above a great quote? No, it is doing Christ name an injustice by placing hell above His name.

Quote 2:

“I doubt that more than two percent of professing Christians in
the United States are truly born again.”
-Leonard Ravenhill

The above Leonard, is the same Leonard from the previous quote.

If to put this as a 'great' quote, then on what basis do we judge a person's salvation? When a person shows fear and trembling towards God?

Honestly, GOD FORBID! To have such a mentality means one do not really know God as a Father. THE father who loves, who runs to his wayward son when he saw him from a far. The father who reinstates the son to sonship even before the son could say his prepared speech (which of course, is to make himself as one of the servants).

We are that son. We keep thinking about being a servant, when Christ has made us sons and daughters of God the Father, whom all blessings flow. Who are we to judge a level of salvation a person receives? Who are we to know and judge how a born again should behave?

Love the person! When you are deeply eros love your wife during the happiness of the courtship did you really look at all the flaws? Now we God deeply AGAPE love you so deeply, that He gave His son so that He can legally called you how do you know God has made a person a new Creation in Christ?

Time to stop judging Leonard Ravenhill.

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