Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Michael Belk...good photographer...but

I was given this link about Mike's project, portraying Jesus in photography. I must say it was really well done (600K USD of his own money. If it is not well done...goodness!)

The link:

Then I happened to click on 'Embrace' in his Parables Collection and this is what he says

"Jesus’ statement, “No one comes to the Father except through Me,” has been accepted by Christians to mean that only those who accept Jesus as Lord will live with Him in eternity. Yet, if Jesus came as the Savior of the world, for all people, for all nations, where does that place all other religions? Assuming His statement is properly understood—that everyone must come through Him to spend eternity with Him—then what is God’s plan for the two-thirds of the world’s population that is non-Christian?"

At least Mike got it right. He died for all who has sinned. That means Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Chinese, Africans, Indians...all ethnic groups, all cultures.

And what is God's plan for 2/3 who are not Christians? Mike's answer

We are God’s plan! For everyone who knows the Gospel story, Jesus commands that we “go tell all nations the good news” He has shared with us. If we will not take time to love and reach out to the people of other religions, how will we ever find a way to share our faith with them?"

That's so true...we are called to spread the good news. To make disciples of all nations. Jesus great commission for us.

So what's there to complain?

Well having a Methodist background I have been trained in the 4 spiritual laws of salvation.

That's the thing...even when we share about Jesus, there is 'law' involved. There's a compulsion to do something. I am not saying Jesus is bad and compulse us to do something against our will, I am saying religion is making us feel inadequate if we do not share about the gospel.

You know what will lead me to share about Jesus? Relationship with Him. it is not about the doing, it is about the knowing.

Just the other day I was 'talking' to a sister in christ and during the conversation where she shared about her fears, her disappointment and frustrations in life, I just share Jesus, His plan for us and His hope in us. What I am surprised is not about the content of the sharing, but my transformation that I can just share like that.

Once you KNOW Jesus, you have stepped on the way to heaven, you have gone through the door to heaven. And when you do so, you have tasted Jesus, and it will be a very very easy task to talk about him.

Doing God's work, especially His great commission, is not using our strength and our puny wisdom but to use His Words, use His power and use HIS wisdom to share, to talk and to pray for the people around us.

And in this case, Mike's photo of Jesus amongst the people of different religion is a powerful statement and one that will help to lead you to talk about Jesus easily.

Don't be scared of letting go of the 4 spiritual laws when sharing God's LOVE. Love is not encased in words is in touching of the listener in his or her is talking about you as a disciple and beloved of God...that is more compelling than any 'laws' or 'guide books' about sharing Jesus.