Friday, February 26, 2010

Modern Miracles

Modern Miracles

After reading the above, it is really a confirmation of sorts that what we go through is not because God is evil, but God has prevented us from greater tragedy. It did not take a Christian but a Jewish rabbi to really understand that God's miracles is in the coincidences we face everyday and/or the luck that was bestowed upon us.

On hindsight, God gave me on Christmas, 4 brand new tyres, not just any model but the best street tyre from none other than bridgestone. God has also blessed me with a tiger decal for the car. Seems like God's hands is on the car even though it has suffered an accident, having to change the hood and the bumper just 2 months after I got the car.

Of course right now I am in the midst of finding myself, trying to really understand what I am going through now after years of finding the path that God promised, the path of Shalom peace where the Abba has set before me in order to bless me and my family.

I don't believe in coincidences. I don't believe that I said something stupid because I am stupid. Angry yes, stupid no. Romans 8:28 says God will turn ALL things for good for those who love God. Honestly if by our own flesh, how do we really love God? So it is through the fact that we are now New creation through Christ Jesus that enables us to love God. And if we love God that means Romans 8:28 holds true. And how do God knows we love Him? Simply by coming to Christ in faith, not works. And if we rely on the finished work of Christ, then Romans 8:28 holds true...all things will be made good for us!!

So I screwed up, and I got into shitty position now as those two young men has thought to themselves when they lost their fiance and girlfriend. They think they cannot go on, and I honestly feel now I am so tired I can be thought of being suicidal too. It is really depressing, really demoralising. But what happened next, they got married to better people and have beautiful families.

I am also lead in a way to marry the woman who is sleeping in bed now. Only God knows what is good for us, we only knew when we look back at our lives. My wife is the living testimony about how God is true and real in my life and still I am so banged up over my job situation.

If that is the case, then it is only fair for God and for myself, to hold true the expectation of good from God (the HOPE of God).

IF I know there's no such thing as luck and coincidences, then hold fast to the faith and believe that God will provide the good stuff.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Good Article On Tithing

"Thy Kingdom Come" - Zac Poonen

In Mathew 6:5-15, the Lord taught us to pray “Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.

The man who prays, "Thy kingdom come" is one who has set his mind and his affection and his desires on things above. He's not one who has put on a dress of Christianity and holiness. His spirituality is not superficial. It goes right through to the very fibre of his being. He is more interested in laying up treasures in heaven than treasures on this earth.

A Christian's attitude to money is one of the clearest tests of his spiritual level, and of whether he is really longing for the kingdom of God to come or not.

I remember hearing a stor! y of a f armer who told his wife one day, "Our cow has just given birth to two calves, a white one and a brown one. And I thought that when they've grown up, we should give one of them to the Lord." His wife asked him, "Which one are you going to give to the Lord, the brown one or the white one?" He replied, "Well, we can decide that later when they grow up." The calves grew up and they became fatter and fatter. One day the farmer came home with a sad face and told his wife, "I've got sad news for you. The Lord's calf just died." And his wife said, "But how did you know which was going to be the Lord's calf? You hadn't decided on that yet." He said, "Oh well, all along I had it in my mind to give the brown calf to the Lord; and it just died this morning." It is like that with most believers. It's always the Lord's calf that dies! They give God what's left over after all their own needs have been met. And because they're not "rich towards God" they remain spiritually poor all their lives (Lk. 12:21).

In the Old Testament God had made a law that the Israelites had to give their "choice firstfruits" to the Lord (Exod. 23:19). This was the only way they could "honour the Lord" (Prov. 3:9). It's the same today. We cannot honour the Lord if we don't give Him our best.

What do we find in our life? Is there always some excuse why we cannot give the best to God. Then it shows where our heart really is. Where a man's treasure is, there will his heart be also. But the man who prays, "Thy kingdom come," is a man who has been delivered from the love of money and material things. He lives for God and for eternity now.

The kingdom of God means the government of God, the absolute rulership of God. It means making Jesus Christ absolute Lord over every area of our life. If we want the kingdom of God to come, it must first come in our hearts, in our homes, and in our churches. In these places we must give no place to Satan or to the flesh. Our longing should be that the kingdom of God should so fill our hearts, our homes and our churches that there will be no room there for anything else.

The Holy Spirit came to bring "the kingdom of God with power" to earth (Mark. 9:1). Our local churches should be a demonstration to the world today of what the kingdom of God is like - that which will one day cover the whole earth. Here is where we have failed the Lord.

When Jesus told us to seek God's kingdom first and not to be anxious about earthly things, what He meant was that if we really wanted to be anxious about something, we should be anxious that the kingdom of God should come on earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:33). How many of us are burdened with that type of anxiety - for the purity of the church and the coming of Go! d's king dom? May God find many among us who will seek His kingdom first.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Evangelism and The Iran Threat

Today is another piece of news about Teheran's move to continue with the uranium enrichment program. Goes to show, when global events as predicted by the Lord is going to happen, Obama's appeasement move won't go anywhere.

Abba has already made tons of announcement with regards to Iran's involvement in the battle of Gog and Magog and all these news about nuclear proliferation just highlights the need to be mindful of the events as dictated in the End Times Prophecies.

Coupled with the fact that the more powerful Singapore Churches, namely New Creation Church due to its construction of a multi million church complex, City Harvest because of its glamorous Pastor Sun and Lighthouse Church due to her Pastor's involvement of being careless with words, are now under some spiritual attacks to undermine the power of evangelism of these churches.

The attacks wants to draw attention away from their evangelistic works for Christ and focus on these areas so as to create an environment of distrust amongst the unsaved.

With IRAN making all the warmongering moves, and evil spiritual forces trying to stop the gospel message by any means necessary including undermining the credibility of the Singapore churches all points to the fact that something is boiling rapidly.

Furthermore, popular culture has disaster movies such as 2012, Armaggedon, Sudden Impact, The Day After Tomorrow to name a few that has everyone abuzz about with the current world events. I would suggest that it is the current state of affairs that gives creative impetus to the movies above. It is certainly the sign of times, that second coming is really near.

Accordingly to the scriptures, the second coming will come like a thief in the night for those who are not of God, very much like the bridesmaid who has no oil and was barred from entering into the wedding feast. This is a picture that is coming really rapidly into reality.

As believers we will all say


And Again...Now Pastor Rony Tan

Just when Pastor Sun has rocked the boat with her dressing, Pastor Rony Tan of Lighthouse rocks the boat with his words. But one thing is for sure: the Christian faith is to rock one's beliefs about the world and also about the spiritual systems that surround this world.

The Christian faith is an intellectually defendable faith. But before even we can convince people to consider the faith, it is always to do it with utmost respect about people's belief system and sought to convince them of the alternative by allowing them to think it through themselves.

But how to get a person to think when a person has outrightly abuse the recipient of the message? How can one convince the love of Abba God, when the messenger cuts down the person listening to the message?

Agreed. Jesus has called the Pharisees 'a brood of vipers' and 'whitewashed tombs'. But do consider the circumstances surrounding His outrage. Jesus has performed miracles after miracles, teaching people about His message but the Pharisees just go against Him for the sake of their pride, based on their religious works.

I believe we, as evangelists of Jesus' love, should also be sensitive apologists with the likes of Ravi Zacharias. I particularly like Brother Ravi's 'Great Conversations' series where he imagine how Jesus would rebutt political, social and religious debate. The one I admire most is the book "Lotus and The Cross" that talks about the religious thinking and practices of the Buddhist faith.

It is in the spirit of gentleness and love that we ought to emulate in order to engage the world around us. Belittling and doing 'crude' jokes ain't getting us any respect from the very people we try to save.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Ho Yao Sun Did It Again.

Pastor Sun has just attracted unnecessary attention to herself and cause much grieve to the Christian community in Singapore by putting on a revealing dress for the Grammy's red carpet so much so a slit ran across her right breast and the breast line can be seen.

My reaction?

I have seen tons of people revealing unnecessary parts of their body for no reason whatsoever but to gain some 10 seconds of stardom on some deprived nerd's PC. I do enjoy the sight of beautiful women since God is really a great creator and said, "Praise The Lord! She's really beautiful!"

A beautiful woman, it is a gift of God to the person whom that lady is to marry (and one of them happened to be my wife) and it is no crime to be sexy, pretty and exudes sexual charm.

BUT when to shoot that electricity from your eyes to men and when men starts to day dream (or night dream), there's a line being crossed. Am I guilty as I charged others? I admit to that and therefore I do not want to judge a person since God is the best judge there is. Furthermore, God The Abba has judged that I am righteous through Christ, therefore I shall not judge others unless I see them as Holy and Righteous.

So why am I writing this since I said I should not judge? True but we all do have something to say just to understand what we hold as truths.

So here I go.

Is it alright to go naked and therefore there is no such thing as 'revealing dresses' or 'wardrobe malfunctions'? Of course it is ok to be naked because Adam came into this world full of God's glory hence there isn't a reason to have clothes in the first place. But only when Adam and Eve sinned that the clothes became necessary as the Glory left us. In other words, clothes is actually a testament to our sinful nature.

So being dressed appropriately is the mark of a wise man. Why? Simply because we understand clothing is now necessary not to cause discomfort to others and being disrobed, in a way is also a positive statement of oneness in the context of sexual relationship within a marriage.

But when disrobing or even a hint of flesh that has gone overboard that creates the necessary situation for the man to go haywire and the women to go ballistic on their husbands, then one do not act in the understanding of brotherly love i.e. not to create harm by one's actions.

So a person's action is by itself should affect the person alone but in fact, affect the people around them as well. And since we are Christians, then it is only fair that we are mindful of others so as to bring about salvation to all. Isn't that our mission for Christ on this earth?

Apostle Paul has said in Romans 14 that all food is good but if one believes that only certain food is allowed, then help the one with the weaker faith by not offending him. Only when the believer has grown and mature in the faith, then one would realise that food can be sanctified by the Lord and that what we wear has no bearings on how Abba God loves us.

But we ought to be mindful of immature and young Christians and more still of those who are conservative and have yet believed in the Lord's plan of salvation. The Law of Love, means we should not stumble others in the pursuit of one's aims or wants even when those aims and wants would not separate us from the love of God!

So to Pastor Sun: No doubt your dress is talk of the town and personally, even as I am a Christian, I find that it is not really 'fleshing' to the point of being tasteless (Lady Ga Ga is unnecessarily loud). BUT in view of the Law of Love, that's when you ought to reconsider your actions.

Then there's the other extreme, where by a man's thoughts is dictated by what a woman wears. I find it really stupid that in the argument for man's place in religion in other Abrahamic faiths, one has to use a law, to stop a woman from doing a perfectly normal thing just to stop the men from lusting. Doesn't that say that man is unable to fulfill the law of not being lustful since He cannot stop thinking and have to force the women not to wear revealing clothes?

Wouldn't that just show that man is powerless in restraining their thoughts and place that responsibility of the inability to follow law on the hapless women? OH! Isn't that what Adam has done to his wife Eve when Adam says it is Eve's fault when he cannot follow God's instruction?

I say this:

Women, you are attractive because the glory of God has come upon you through Christ. The loveliness of Jesus is upon you. You are beautiful because God has to power to transform what is physical to something that is much more wholesome, more thorough and more 'magnetism'.

Men. We are sexual beings. Accept that and check your thoughts. It is OK to have 'lust' for your wife (not girlfriend and certain not other girls of other status) but when you blame the ladies for your own stupidity and inability to control your tool of sex, you have just lost the mandate of being the man of any house.