Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who Is Christ to me?

Who is Christ to us?

Very good question. It is a question that in our heart we do know but our flesh just refuse to acknowledge. If He is the King of Kings, why are we looking at Him with earthly eyes, looking at Him as though He is still on earth? Still Jesus is:

- Personal Friend
- King of Kings
- Shepherd
- Wisdom
- Righteousness
- Shield
- Finisher of my faith
- Everything
- Strength
- Provider
- The Great I AM

But why we don't go to him as often?

Why fear?? Why is there a sense of dread, of apprehension, of fear? I guess that we are always questioning our standing before God and do not know what Jesus is to us in the scheme of things. Or are we always in the realm that it is my problem and i have to solve it? Why are we always trust in our efforts when our efforts are the one that got us into the problem in the first place?

But Jesus is always for us, have time for us and undivided attention. God will love us unconditionally. Our relationship with Him will take the form as the best friend in the best of circumstances. He is the one who takes all the bad and give all the good.

We don't need to
- feel unloved
- unwanted
- feel lack


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