Friday, December 12, 2008
Psalm 91 - Pastor Prince Message Redux!
-by Paul van der Hoorn.
This morning I felt the Lord telling me to re-write Psalm 91... I hope
it may inspire you all to continue to trust in His grace and mercy,
for a time such as this.
PSALM 91 - paraphrased by Paul v d H. - 30.11.08:
Those who live in the shelter of the Lord Jesus Christ
Will find rest, even in His shadow
This I declare of the Lord
He alone is my refuge, my shelter and place of safety
He is my God,
and I am trusting Him
For He will rescue me from every trap
And protect me from every fatal accident
He will shield me with His arms
His faithful promises are my weapons and protection
Don't be afraid of any threats of the night
Nor fear any dangers during the day
Nor dread the plagues (like HIV) that stalk in darkness
Nor any disaster that might try to strike you during the day
Though many fall at your side
Though thousands are perishing all around you
These evils will not touch you
But you will see with your own eyes
How the wicked are punished
If you make the Lord your refuge
If you make the Most High your shelter
No evil will conquer you
No plague will come near your house
For He orders His angels
To protect you wherever you go
They will support you with their hands
To keep you from even striking your foot on a stone
You will trample down crooks and criminals under your feet
The Lord says "I will rescue those who love Me
I will protect those who trust in My Name
When they call on Me I will answer
I will be with them in trouble
I will rescue them and even honour them
I will satisfy them with long life
And give them my eternal salvation"
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
So Now We Need to Earn God's Protection?
The bible verse in question:
For You; O Jehovah, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield. (Psa 5:12)
And in the email this is what being said about the verse in question,
"But there is one thing still sure in life, that God blesses the righteous. We need to spend much more concern about making sure that our lives are right before God, that we qualify for that blessing of the Lord which He reserves for the righteous, which is only for the righteous."
So what is the email trying to say here? That we also need to earn our salvation as well?
No! That is not right! That is not what Apostle Paul has been trying to convince us believers for so many generations!
for as through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners: so also through the obedience of the one, shall the many be constituted righteous. (Rom 5:19)
Through Adam, his disobedience, we are constituted as sinners and so through the obedience of one, Christ Jesus we are now constituted as righteous.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the status of sinners to the status of righteous!
And what is the advantage of being the righteous of God, so much so we are called royal priesthood in the order of Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness?
having been called out by God as a High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. (Heb 5:10)
The advantage is this: God has clothed us with a shield of favour!!
For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, (Rom 8:38)
nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. (Rom 8:39)
Don't belittle Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. His sacrifice has brought us righteousness that according to Paul, that no one will separate us from the Love of God. And if nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (that means believers), do you think for a micro second, that by our filthy works and unrighteous acts, God would be separated from us?
If the answer is NO, then why is there a "...need to spend much more concern about making sure that our lives are right before God" to enjoy His blessings?
The Gospel of our times in this age: God has already blessed us with a shield of unmeasurable favour and grace that is enough for eternity. Favour to be a blessing to ourselves so that we can be a blessing to others.
All Praise to the Lord's complete work on the cross!
Monday, November 03, 2008
One way is to react selfishly and therefore ask selfishly and pray in the name of oneself. This is akin to making God a genie in a bottle.
The other way is to react to God’s promises of blessings, of honour, of health and of wholeness positively. How do we do that?
Then faith is of hearing, and hearing through the Word of God. (Rom 10:17)
And since we have the faith through hearing then what next?
To call our His promises to us in the Bible in faith because God has ordained so for the sons of Abraham. His promises to Abraham is applicable to both the physical and spirituals sons.
I also agree that the bible verse is misquoted but that does not mean we should not call forth in faith what God has spoken in the Bible.
That means, we call forth things God has given us through His promises in the Bible for those are the Words of God for Christ is The Word of God. Anything that is not of the bible, is of our flesh.
If God promises to give us a plan to prosper, to give us hope and a future (Jer 29:11) then He WILL prosper us; He WILL SHALOM us.
That SHALOM is Peace in Hebrew and has such meaning
From H7999; safe, that is, (figuratively) well, happy, friendly; also (abstractly) welfare, that is, health, prosperity, peace: - X do, familiar, X fare, favour, + friend, X greet, (good) health, (X perfect, such as be at) peace (-able, -ably), prosper (-ity, -ous), rest, safe (-ly), salute, welfare, (X all is, be) well, X wholly.
Although we should care that mammon has no hold over us and we should serve the Lord. But with a servitude towards the Lord would He also bless us with good things so that such good things will also be used for His Glory!
So my understanding is this…
We call forth things that are not there is to exercise our faith in Christ through The Word. If we call forth things that are not in The Word, therefore we are doing things not of His Will. If what we call forth are things that are the fruits of His love, guess what, Jesus will make sure things do happen and will do it according to His timing and for His glory.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Steering through the Storms, by Rubel Shelly
These are challenging times, and it is difficult to find a silver
lining to some of the darker clouds visible to everyone. As
election-year rhetoric morphs from harsh to rancorous, the economy of
recession continues to take its toll. All of us know lots of people who
have lost their jobs. Who will be next to suffer?
One of the interesting fact that some of us have forgotten is that
crisis times have often been the stimulus for creative new beginnings.
Notable successes have been generated from the ashes of previous
economic downturns.
A little perspective from history might encourage you. Walt Disney lost
an acting job as a movie extra and started his famous cartoon company
in a garage during the recession of 1923-1924. William Hewlett and
David Packard teamed up in Silicon Valley in 1938 during the Great
Depression. And Bill Gates dropped out of college to launch Microsoft
during the downturn of a recession in 1975.
Crisis does seem to spawn an entrepreneurial culture. When the sun is
shining, most people are content to let the boat sail under its own
power -- and to sun on the deck. When the clouds roll in and the boat
begins to toss violently on the sea, creative people are encouraged to
take risks and to chart new courses.
It is time to decide about your future.
What about you? Do you see yourself as a thermometer or a thermostat in
these tough times? Thermometers do nothing more than reflect their
environments. Thermostats change their environments!
If you have had a bad year, have been laid off, or exist in a generally
horrible environment, you have a choice. You can be a victim and whine
about your fate. Or you can do some serious introspection, set some
positive goals for making things better, and start moving ahead.
In the business world, laid-off and unfulfilled workers have changed
the world by being bold in hard times. The same thing is true in other
settings as well. Individuals, families, and churches who sense that
something is wrong always have choices. The single most important
choice is between passivity, grumbling, and dejection on the one hand
and exploration, resourcefulness, and enthusiasm for a new challenge on
the other.
Now that you have seen the newscasts and figured out that times really
are tough, it is time to decide about your future. Make responsible
choices on the basis of your passions, values, and priorities and not
your gloomy circumstance. With the strength of God to help you, you can
move from being a melancholy thermometer to become a difference-making
thermostat in your world. You can chart a new course and set sail to a
brighter destination.
God given opportunity to bless ME more..:)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Who Is Christ to me?
Very good question. It is a question that in our heart we do know but our flesh just refuse to acknowledge. If He is the King of Kings, why are we looking at Him with earthly eyes, looking at Him as though He is still on earth? Still Jesus is:
- Personal Friend
- King of Kings
- Shepherd
- Wisdom
- Righteousness
- Shield
- Finisher of my faith
- Everything
- Strength
- Provider
- The Great I AM
But why we don't go to him as often?
Why fear?? Why is there a sense of dread, of apprehension, of fear? I guess that we are always questioning our standing before God and do not know what Jesus is to us in the scheme of things. Or are we always in the realm that it is my problem and i have to solve it? Why are we always trust in our efforts when our efforts are the one that got us into the problem in the first place?
But Jesus is always for us, have time for us and undivided attention. God will love us unconditionally. Our relationship with Him will take the form as the best friend in the best of circumstances. He is the one who takes all the bad and give all the good.
We don't need to
- feel unloved
- unwanted
- feel lack
Does 5 pillars means....
I am basing this piece based on the video and I may be quoting out of context but if the video is the introduction to convince people Islam is a religion of peace, then I think it is fair for me to critique the video for what it is.
Now. Is Islam inherently a violent religion? I can say it is not. But one cannot deny that Islam was spread by the edge of the sword. If we are to go by history and see history as the evidence of fruit of a system, an organisation or a person, then it is a God given wisdom to see things and judge things by its fruit.
Are we to judge then? Yes and no. Yes because we need to judge so as to make a right choice. No to some extent, because we may not know the whole truth to make a sound judgment.
But do we really need to judge religious systems? I say yes because our eternal existence is really hinging on how we choose which God to serve.
Back to the topic.
Is it good to surrender, submit, obey, sincere and have peace? Definitely!! In the aspect, Islam has hit the right notes.
But there is a problem. Human beings.
Surrender/Submit - I find myself surrendering to God things that worries me and cause strive in my life since He himself has declared,
"Come to Him, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" Mathew 11
Problem: I always take my problems back into my system. No wonder Paul rightfully said we are to strive for Peace.
and let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also ye were called in one body, and become thankful. (Col 3:15)
Can we really surrender? Can we really give it all to God? REALLY? Does chanting 5 prayers a day really makes you surrender? Does quoting bible verses day in day out, makes you surrender in your heart of hearts?
Obey - Same problem. Do we really obey? Simply look at the 10 commandments. Just 10. Not the hundreds and thousands in the religious systems in the world. Just a measly 10.
Can we really be 'sincere' and say, hey I meet all 10, everyday, every time, every where, every waking moments of my life from birth till now.
No? Then how in the world can we say just obey and we can have eternal life? then God being God has to be fair and all our past sins still has to be judged accordingly. If not He will not be a fair God , and a unfair God is not a worthy God to follow just as a kangaroo court is not to be respected.
Sincere - Can we be sincerely wrong? I guess those jihadist who kills the innocents are sincerely wrong. I guess those marxists are sincerely wrong. If they can be sincerely wrong with the 'big' things, can we be sincerely wrong in the 'small' things. If you note the parenthesis, to God, there's no 'big' or 'small' problems, so there is no 'big' or 'small' sins. They are all sins- full stop.
Peace - Ah~! That keyword. Shalom or Sala-am. I just got to say this. A proclaimation of peace is not peace at all. An act of peace, is the declaration of peace and the only true declaration of peace is Christ Jesus. Any man made system that tries to impose peace does nothing but to bring about despair and hopelessness because that 'peace' is temporal, that 'peace' is a by product of an action or circumstance or both. It is not true peace.
True peace is devoid of external circumstances and the fruit of that peace is joy despite the circumstances. This peace is supernatural, that brings people up in the midst of turmoil, of despair, of chaos, or repression.
`Peace I leave to you; my peace I give to you, not according as the world doth give do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid;
(Joh 14:27)
Such a supernatural peace will let my heart be troubled. And I dare say, the world would not suffer if such a peace is embraced whole-heartedly.
But what of peace in Islam? If we are honest, that part of the world where Islam reign supreme, there isn't any peace to speak of. Even when I am in the midst of the world's largest islamic countries, there are crimes against other human beings who don't believe in islam. Why?
Peace? Really? Would a world wide caliphate really bring about peace to the whole world while those countries that have already embrace islam totally has not get itself out of the rut. Something is amiss yes?
I dare not make a judgment. But just SEE and OBSERVE and draw your own conclusion.
Want real peace with God first and then with men?....only solution, surrender and submit to the act of the cross, then your sincerity and obedience is in Christ who will put your name in the book of life.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of
time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties
today of its strength." - Corrie Ten Boom
That is so true. Seems like all the economists, investors, stockbrokers and banks are worrying 2 and 3 years in advance with the strength of today.
We Christians should do one better than them. Reason? Jesus is holding our futures in His hands. His plans for us is to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). What type of hope? A hope with full expectation of good to manifest in our lives.
The start of the ball is from God when the wall street drops by 777.7 points. That speaks volume for those who knows God's signature. If God has put so much effort in allowing us to know His signature, it is for one thing and one thing only. Comfort!
Rely on God, look towards Him and all these things, needed for good living free from worries, shall be added unto us.
This is really a time for people to rethink on
a) their government (US election)
b) their jobs
c) their economic system
d) their obsession with material gains
e) their obsession with social status
If any suicide related to this crisis is anything to go by, they have looked to themselves and find hopelessness, they look to the surroundings and found despair - no wonder they don't have real hope left.
But we have Jesus who takes care of our tomorrows because He has been there or already there since He is timeless. Time to stand on solid foundation of faith.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Die in Coffin for A better Life?
In short, it is a coffin ceremony where people pay money to climb into the coffin to 'die' so as to ward off bad karma and then they will inherit a clean karma and then good luck will come.
Mental rewind: Aren't we Christian born again? Aren't we died to our old self and reborn in Christ? Isn't that the same as dying in a coffin and to rise up again spiritually?
We are in the sense die to self, reborn into Christ and to inherit Abraham's blessings since we are his seed yes? Isn't that the most amazing thing ever?
Best part is this: it's free!!
And in this time when the world is in such financial chaos, I can safely say the blessings of God's shalom peace in wholeness , health and prospertiy is something we as Christians MUST embrace and MUST hold on to whenever we have doubts about our inheritance through Christ and IN Christ.
We are rich according to the HIS riches IN Heaven. As HE IS NOW, so are WE in this world.
Fellow Christians. Time to look UP. Seek His Righteousness which is already given to US NOW, and ALL, EVERYTHING, shall be ADDED unto us.
And when I mean seek, it is to constantly remind ourselves with HIS promises of blessings, of protection and of Shalom Peace.
We are reborn into riches in health, wholeness and wealth. Let not the devil snatch this inheritance away! As Pastor Copeland has declared once again. THIS RECESSION IS NOT OURS! It is for THIS World and we are not OF this world. We are IN it but not OF it. Whatever is happening to this world is not FOR us because we are not OF this world. We are reborn out of this world and into the realm of God's economy!
What is God's economy? Plentiful blessings!! No lack, no tears, no worries.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Dow Jones down 777.7..Hey Isn't that...
That is a very good question and I believe, to us believers it is another indication that God is indeed in control of the situation. Putting numbers that is so evidently clear to Christians can only mean that He is telling us "Son! Behold that I will make this financial turmoil for my Children. So that the people of the world will see how I Bless My children with Blessings of Abraham. So that they know that I AM!"
God's is truly in the things of the world. And this to me, is like another milestone in the prophetic times that we are living in.
Monday, September 29, 2008
There is No better Hope than In Christ!
There is a very simple reason for it.
Just to recap, the Word He has given me since 2004
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope in your latter end.
(Jer 29:11)
Peace in this verse is not the 'peace' that the world understands. The word Peace, I capitalised it because such a peace is of Jesus and not of this world.
Consider this verse:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful.
(Joh 14:27)
This is spoken just before Jesus left earth to be with His Father in Heaven, to be at His right side, to be our spokesperson, our advocate, our lawyer when the devil accuses us in the courts of heaven. And He is there to be our defender, our lover and our High Priest where our prayers are answered in the way that only benefits us.
So what kind of peace did Jesus leave us? Consider His Peace when He still can sleep in the middle of the storm. Consider His Peace when he can walk on water in the midst of the storm. This Peace is not of this world where the world says. "To be stress free, wear an OSIM head massager, go for yoga and stretch yourself silly. Earns lots of money so that you may be free from worry."
We all know what this world has come to where the mightiest and the strongest and the richest fell like a deck of cards. God is systematically and slowly telling the people of the world, "Your hope in such things do not last but actually makes you hope-less".
What is this Peace? In hebrew, since He has spoken to his Jewish disciples therefore it should be Hebrew, the word is Shalom
What does Shalom really means?
Strong's Concordance 7965 - Hebrew Shalom ..... A word study in the New King James version for SHALOM says: Completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord.
In a world full of discord, full of poverty, full of diseases, full of crime. Jesus' Peace sounds really good isn't it!!
And guess what? It for us Christians for the taking. I don't care what the detractors of Prosperity Gospels says. Jesus has left His Shalom with us on this earth. He has planned for ME, a life full of SHALOM PEACE! His Peace will not leave me in trouble or troubled in this world!
And God gave this verse to me in a very very real sense because it came to me at a time I feel that I am not doing well. You see the key point is that I FEEL not well but the fact is God is telling me again and again, feelings has nothing to do with truth! So what is the truth?
Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.
(Neh 2:19-20)
Neh 2:19-20
(19) But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, heard it, they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? will ye rebel against the king?
(20) Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.
The God of Heaven, He HAS prospered us. He HAS shalom'ed us. With what? With Christ!
That's why Christ has left His SHALOM with us!! Health, Wholeness, Peace and Prosperity is for us NOW. He is in us therefore His SHALOM is in and with us NOW and Forevermore! Amen!
But why is there so much turmoil in this world that kept us from realising this? Why is it that our understanding and belief is so fragile? Why do we 'feel' inadequate?
Thanks to Pastor Lian of New Creation Church. This verse has been there all along in my 19 years of being a Christian and I am none the wiser. Good reminder.
`And that sown on the rocky places, this is he who is hearing the word, and immediately with joy is receiving it, (Mat 13:20)
and he hath not root in himself, but is temporary, and persecution or tribulation having happened because of the word, immediately he is stumbled. (Mat 13:21)
`And that sown toward the thorns, this is he who is hearing the word, and the anxiety of this age, and the deceitfulness of the riches, do choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. (Mat 13:22)
As we all can see and I must confess, that my root is shallow and I am struggling to take root as most Christians do. I have so much trials and tribulations now is because of one thing and one thing only. The Word!
The Word is Christ. The Word is HIS Promise to me. The Word are Jeremiah 29:11 and now Nehemiah 2:20!
The trials and tribulation comes because the devil wants to dislodge us from God, Jesus and Holy Spirit so that HIS promises would not come to pass.
The presence of trials and tribulations is a confirmation that HIS word is happening and happening now and has arrived. We are now on VICTORY GROUND! My salvation is ALREADY here.
My SHALOM is now with me! Not because of my strength and works. But because Christ has already GIVEN it to me!
Amen amen!
Advancing Through Adversity
Comfort, disappointment, and fear are three of the greatest enemies of our souls. We can be lulled into ineffectiveness for the Kingdom of God in the comfort of our lives. We can become weary and stagnant from affecting our spheres in this world because of disappointment. Fear can paralyze us so that we retreat from the battle of life, Jesus and the Word of God, promised we would face.
One of the devices of the enemy is to engage us and consume us with self. Self wants to be comforted. Self desires the easy road, the easy life. Self wants to protect itself by not going out on a limb or really ever stretching your faith. Self wants to live a balanced life neither hot nor cold… That is a scary thought according to Revelations 3. I like the way the Message version reads;
Comfort enthusiasts are often deep rooted in pride. They tend to think that their life is their own and they are blinded to the fact that their very existence is the Lord’s and everything they have is His as well. One of the things we must be reminded of time and again is that we are His, our every breath is His. He may desire for us to give up all, including our very life for His sake. He may want us to leave jobs, friends, and family, while traveling to distant lands to serve Him.
We must put aside pleasure seeking lifestyles if we want to make an impact in our world and be faithful servants of the Most High God.
If we seek His Kingdom first and always, then He will give us what we need in our journey with Him. We are not alone, He is always with us. If we have plenty, it is for a purpose, and He will direct the plenty because it is His to direct. If we have little, then there is a reason, and we can trust that He will provide all that we need for His purposes.
We must put aside comfort when it gets in the way of our purpose. Do not seek comfort but have a deep concern when comfort stays around too long. This is not to be confused with peace. I am referring to comfortable lifestyles that keep us from advancing in glorifying the Lord in all that we do.
Disappointment and hopelessness seem to run together sometimes. We can fail to the point of finally giving up and not having hope for a bright future. Our God is the God of redemption, restoration, and brilliant futures for all of His people. Only in deception can we miss the fact that in Him, defeat is temporary and often becomes strength for the journey.
The Lord promises that the end result for all of us is triumphant, so be patient and be encouraged beloved of God.
We have all heard the saying, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. There is much truth in that statement. The enemy of our souls knows that if he can wrap us up in fear, that in effect we are disengaged from the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Much of the fear we have is never realized but can perpetuate real problems because we can no longer operate in faith when we have given fear a place in our lives. Remember, He is our Protector. I remember Jesus sleeping through the storm when fear had gripped the others.
People of God, we do not need to live in fear. When it comes out of your mouth, rebuke yourself. I have witnessed so many in fear of what lies ahead in the future for them. They are literally consumed to the point that their faith and their production for God has been neutralized. We should live in His wisdom and trust that He has you in His hands, because He does.
Running His Path..
When we are set free by the Lord it does not mean that we can do anything we want at any time. We must not throw off all order and restraint, be self-indulgent, self-pleasing, self-willed. That is not real freedom. That’s slavery. It’s slavery to self and it’s slavery to sin.
Real freedom comes when God sets our heart free. Free from the bondages of comfort, disappointment, and fear. The psalmist says, “You’ve set my heart free.” What’s the evidence? “I run in the path of your commands.” When we are truly liberated by the grace of God and the power of God, it’s not to please ourselves, it’s not to do our own thing, but it’s to be able to obey God in every way, freely and joyfully.
When we run the path of His commands, there is little room to be lavished in comfort, there is little time for discouragement, and fear is removed because faith and purpose have taken over. Let’s advance His Kingdom regardless of what comes our way. When good things come, praise God, when devastation comes praise God.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Do Not Worry
(Mat 13:22) `And that sown toward the thorns, this is he who is hearing the word, and the anxiety of this age, and the deceitfulness of the riches, do choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
The reason that why we have trials and tribulations is because we are believing what Jesus has promised us.
His Words for me
Jeremiah 29:11
For I have known the thoughts that I am thinking towards you--an affirmation of Jehovah; thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give to you posterity and hope.
Nehemiah 2:20
And I return them word, and say to them, `The God of the heavens--He doth give prosperity to us, and we His servants rise and have built;
Therefore the trials and tribulations is a confirmation that the promises what i hold is actually coming to pass. His promises is coming true.
Shalom Shalom...the peace of God is already in us! I shall not businesses has prospered and will proposer in the future and I shall not be the person as spoken in Matthew 13:22. I shall be fruitful because His Word doeth go out and shall be effective in my life.
Monday, September 01, 2008
God's Plans for Us...and He is With Us!
Not everyday you get such uplifting email.
I always believed in Jeremiah 29:11. By the Grace of God even if I screw up, the Plan God has for me is still in effect. Since nothing can take us away from the Love of God, His Plan will never fail. Even though we do not understand a thing of what we are going through, He is Lord above all things.
Friday, August 22, 2008
What's Our Expectation of Prayer?
in a movie a few months ago. "Evan Almighty" is a spoof about a
modern-day Noah, played by Steve Carell. As the movie opens, the wife
in this story prays that in the midst of everything going on in their
lives, God might help their family become closer. Later as her husband
is being transformed into this barge-building animal lover, she fears
he has gone insane. Then a stranger (Freeman/God) strikes up a
conversation with her and asks how she thinks God answers prayer:
Do you think when someone asks for patience He just gives them
patience, or does He create an opportunity for them to develop
patience? When someone asks for courage, does He simply give it to
them, or does He provide a chance for them to become courageous?
When someone asks for their family to be closer together, does He
fill them with a warm fuzzy feeling, or does He give them
opportunities to love each other.
From Rob Woodfin
The thought that goes through when I watch Evan Almighty is the same as Rob. What do we really want from God? Does God wants us to grow like how we teach our kids to grow? Or are we expecting immediate gratification like what we are experiencing now in our i-World?
Character cannot happen in a flash of light. And that much God is showing us through the trials we go through. Just last night, housemate and me talked through the night, about prayers and about decision making that will bring maximum benefit to us and to God.
Who doesn't want the best that God can give? But God do give in ways that is really beyond our comprehension. He allowed me to go into a job, only to realise that life is more than a job. That time spend too much at work means lesser time for other stuff that God wants to build in us.
So my prayer was, God give me not just life but life more abundantly as Jesus has promised. So He did not sent down a bed of roses but something better, an exercise apparatus. Just like the gymnast, whose bulging muscles is the result of years of training and in the same way, we have to develop spiritual muscles, to hang on to the promises of God's especially in Jer 29:11.
Plans to give us life. Plans to bless us. Plans to give us Shalom; health, wholeness, prosperity and welfare.
And these plans are already here for us to take. Only our faith muscles have to be trained to accept them and keep them away from the thief and robber that is Satan.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
There's No Such Thing as Coincidence...
First Email:[/b] God has seen you struggling. God says it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God, please re-send this email to any number of people.
Second Email: [b]At Just the Right Time!, by Tom Norvell
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless,
Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6 NIV).
You see, at just the right time when it appeared that life could not
get any worse, when you felt hopeless and when you wanted to give up,
God stepped in and did something amazing and unexpected.
A friend showed up.
An envelope appeared in your mailbox with the exact amount of money you
needed for that bill. No name. Just money.
Someone you had not heard from in years called because for some strange
reason you were on her mind.
The job offer came.
Your husband realized he and had made a terrible mistake and asked for
another chance.
The contract was accepted.
The call came from your son ... he wants to come home.
Was it a coincidence?
The church you had visited started a ministry that reached out to you.
The urge to drink lessened.
The professor asked you to come by for a chat because he was concerned
about you.
The doctor discovered a treatment he thought would work.
Did these things just happen? Was it a coincidence? Or, was God working
to help you see that He cares and that He is working for good in your
life ... even when you do not realize it. He wants you to see that He
loves you. He wants you to know that He cares about you and is
genuinely concerned about the day-to-day events in your life ... big
and small. Not only is He concerned about you but, you see, He responds
at just the right time. His timing is always right.
The guilt from your sins was so heavy that you wondered if you could be
saved. "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless,
Christ died for the ungodly."
How often have we been tempted to give up on God, on prayer, on
waiting, on patience and endurance, because God delayed in
answering prayer immediately? How many parents, after praying
for decades, have still not seen the salvation of a child? How many
believers have prayed night and day for healing, but still suffer or
have to behold the suffering of a loved-one? Not a few have prayed
and fasted for their financial needs to be met, and have agonized
because of mounting debt? BUT GOD…was in full control and had
a reason for the delay, for delays are not denials. We must keep
the bow string taut and continue to pray, for only God knows how
close to the crest of the hill we are. We must not give up despite
disappointments, for God will justify Himself and bring glory to
Himself. That great man of faith, Elijah, not only prayed to God for
rain. He also kept gazing toward the horizon for the tell-tale signs
of a cloud, until eventually a cloud the size of a man’s fist
appeared. He persevered until the heavens unleashed its glory,
and God’s word was fulfilled.
George H. Morrison in “Devotional Sermons” has given hope to the
weary. Read on, dear saint, and be reassured that “as soon as
you began to make your request, a reply was sent. I have come to
give you the reply…” (“You had no sooner started your prayer
when the answer was given” – Msg) – Daniel 9:23.
{Please don’t give up on the quality of speech in this devotional.
You might learn from it the treasures of the English language.}
The Doctrine of Delays
....There are myriads of creatures who are born and dance and die
in the short span of a bright July day. No one in watching them
would ever dream of charging the Creator with delay. But a nation
of men which is to serve the high ends of heaven is never fashioned
hastily like that. Through pilgrimage and war and struggle and
blood and tears, by heroism that oft seems unavailing and sacrifice
that is like water spilt, it becomes the polished instrument of God.
Delay, then, tends to become more marked, the higher you rise in
the Creator's purposes. Great delays in the mystery of providence
are the highway for the chariot of great blessing. The joy that
cometh in the morning might be far less thrilling, had not the
weeping from which it springs endured all night.
Had Jesus forgotten Mary and Martha? We see this very clearly in
the raising of Lazarus—that tenderest and most touching of all
miracles. When Lazarus was ill - when his state had become critical -
Martha and Mary, you remember, sent word to Jesus. Now Jesus
loved Lazarus and his sisters, and the happiest memories
encircled that village home; yet the Gospel tells us that when
Jesus heard the news, He abode two days still in the place where
He was. There are seasons when two days seems like a moment;
there are seasons when two days seems an eternity. When a life
is in the balance half-an-hour is endless; twice four-and-twenty
hours is unbearable. What did it mean? Had Jesus quite forgotten
them? Was He deaf and dead to the prayers of the sisters' love? I
think that Martha and Mary, with their eyes on dying Lazarus,
knew the burden of divine delay. They knew its burden then; they
know its meaning now. They see it irradiated with purpose and
with wisdom. A little boon might have been granted instantly, but
the great actions of God have tardy wheels. The greater and richer
the blessing that we pray for, the more must we reckon on the
delays of God. Nor should we forget—for this is very important—
what I might call the moral training of delay. Did we get everything
we craved for in the very hour of asking it, I think it would be a long
farewell to manhood. The one sure way to ruin a young child is to
give it immediately all for which it asks; and to the Ancient of days,
whose hairs are white as wool (see Dan_7:9), I fancy the oldest
readers are but as little children.
Think of Christ's treatment of the Syro-phoenician woman when
she came to Him praying for her daughter. All her motherhood was
on her lips and in her eyes as she pled and interceded for her child.
Do you think it was cruel of Christ to answer her never a word?
Do you think it was harsh to speak about the dogs? How much
we should have missed, and how much Christ Himself would have
missed, had it not been for that practice of delay! It was that which
called out in her fine persistence, her faith, her wit, all that was
brightest in her. She might have been anybody when she began,
but she was a woman among women when she ended. And many
a person has begun by being anybody, and ended by being a
woman among women, because they were kept praying and
pleading long for something that was to be granted by and by.
Work reveals character, but so does waiting. Waiting shows the
baby or the man. We need to be tested to prove if we be worthy
just to receive and use the thing we crave. So it often is that God
delays, and will not answer us, and keeps us waiting. It is not in
scorn, but in the wisest love, that He will not for a while.
There Is Silent Preparation behind God's Delay
Then it is very helpful to remember that divine delay does not mean
inactivity. God is not idle when He does not answer us; He is
busier preparing the answer than we think. There have been men
of genius who could only work irregularly; for long periods they
seemed to do nothing at all. Then suddenly, and as if by inspiration,
their powers took fire and they wrought at a white heat. You may
be sure of it that the periods in between were not so idle as the
world considered them. By thought, by reading, by communion
with glad nature, half unconsciously they were preparing for their
work. And when the kindling came, and the fire burned within them,
when they were divinely swept into utterance or action, they owed
far more than we should ever guess to the silent preparation of
delay. As it is with men of genius, so with God, only in loftier and
nobler ways. His delays are not the delays of inactivity. They are
the delays of preparation. In an instant the tropical storm may
burst and break, yet for weeks—unseen—the storm has been
preparing. The sunshine of May comes, and all the world is green,
yet on God's loom of January that robe was being spun. And the
morning breaks when at last some prayer is answered, and the
desert rejoices and blossoms as the rose, yet the answer was
being fashioned in these very years when we said there was no
eye to pity and no arm to save.
It takes a million years to harden the ruby, says the poet, yet
through all the years the hardening goes on. It takes a century
for the sea to wear away one cliff, yet every night when we sleep
the breakers dash on it. So when we pray and strive and nothing
happens, till we are tempted to say "God does not know, God
does not care," who can tell but that, behind the veil, infinite love
may be toiling like the sea, to give us in the full time our heart's
"My Father worketh hitherto and I work." It is a mysterious word
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps God, like some of the busiest
men I know, is doing most when He seems to be doing nothing.
There Is Love in Delay And so in closing I would say to you: do
not lose heart at the delays of God. Speed, after all, is but a
relative term, and there is more love in God's slow method than
you think. I was staying the other week with some friends in
Ireland, when word came that our friend's place of business had
been broken into. It was a holiday and he was away in Galway,
and was not to be home again until that evening. Well, he came
home, very tired and famished, and a foolish wife would have
rushed out to meet him with the news; but his wife was not foolish,
she was Scotch and sensible, and she let him wash and eat and
rest himself a little; and then when he was ready to see things
rightly she broke the news, and I saw there was wisdom and love
in that delay.
You who are mothers here, and who look back on those sweet
years when your innocent children played about your feet, had you
never some great news to tell your children, yet you deliberately
withheld it for a time? "If we tell them tonight there will not be one
wink of sleep; if we tell them when they waken, there will not be
one bite of breakfast"; and so deliberately you held back the
blessing, and you did it just because you loved them so. If ye
then being evil, act like that, is it incredible that God should do
the same? Is it fair to distrust our Father, to say He has no pity,
to charge the heavens with being brass above us? I think it is
wiser to pray on, strive on, casting all doubts to the devil who
inspired them; believing in a love that never mocks us, and that
will give us our heart's desire in His own time.
No Matter What The Coffee Cup is....
'The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but
those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect.'
A group of graduates, highly established in their careers, got together to
visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into
complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned
with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic,
glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite -
telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee, the professor said:
'If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving
behind the simple and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only
the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be
assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases,
it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What
all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went
for the best cups... Then you began eyeing each other's cups.'
Now consider this:
'Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups.
They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have
does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live. Sometimes, by
concentrating on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Enjoy your coffee!.'
Thursday, July 24, 2008
towards His children and of His desire to reveal Himself to them!
We would no longer seek out own selfish desires. We would not
be so quickly discouraged from pursuing what He is so long to
give us:
Romans 8:32 (kjv) - He who spared not His own Son, but delivered
Him up for us all, how shall He not, with Him, also freely give us all
We only need a little courage and perseverance. Actually, we have
enough of both in our earthly affairs, but none at all in the only
thing that really matters (Luke 10:42)." - Jeanne Guyon
The ONE thing: To know God and His love for so much so that He gave His Only begotten Son while we are Sinners, to bring Shalom Peace to the World and to Prosper us in Body, Soul, Mind and Spirit.
And He did not spared His Son, then what is to Him a job, a house, a great bunch of kids, wariless life?
In as so much as we are in this world, we not of this world. How can we live as though we do not have hope?
Even in front of death, Jesus has conquered. If such a sweet victory has already been won, what are all the small battles of life to Him?
Me, Myself and I have to stop this self-pity, self-criminalisation, self-defeatist attitude just because I lost a job that God has the wisdom to know it is not doing any good to me.
God has good plan. Not to destroy us to do us harm but to give us a future and a hope (Jer 29:11). His thoughts to us are all GOOD and NOT evil. Losing a job is evil in itself, but the motivation behind the act is GOOD. Jesus comes not to take away life, but to give us a life so much more in abundance, than to have a working life full of stress, anxiety. A job without hope, without family, without God?
No. His plan is for our good. I must be convinced evermore in that last 10 years, that my journey has just started, and the promised land is just ahead. I am not the multitude that do not believe in God, I am with Caleb and Joshua who proclaim God's power and strength in front of an unbelieving mob. I am a conqueror in Christ. I am a royal priest in the line of melchizedek whom Jesus is the high priest, who sits are the right hand of God, who prayers the best prayers for us so that we may get the milk, the honey and the best that the land has to offer!
My Jesus is my shepherd, I shall not be in want/need (Psalm 23), He leads! He cares and He nourishes! And by following him, my head is anointed with blessings in anointing oil. My cup, my life, my everything shall be running over with more than abundance! Surely, must and definitely, goodness of life and God' wonder merciful grace, His unmerited favour, love and blessing shall follow me ALL THE DAYS OF MY EARTHLY life. Even so if this life ends, I WILL dwell in the Lord's house FOREVER.
Monday, July 14, 2008
![]() | Wilson+Wong took the free personality test! "Needs release from stress. Longs for peace, tranqu..."
Friday, February 22, 2008
God is a Giver Not Because Gave First
My response:
God's promises can never be broken in view of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Not all of us are givers, that much we know because in our sinful flesh, we give out of expectation, we give out of selfish reasons.
However we as Christians should not present Abba Father as a conditional God. If He has unconditionally gave His Son for our sins in exchange for Abrahamic Blessings, then it is not through our works that we are saved; in the same vein, it is not through our efforts that we get God's Promises as well. It is given to us because God deemed it fit to give His promises based only on one criteria: believe!
For it is by free grace (God's unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ's salvation) through [your] faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8
So when it comes to the issue of tithing, the tithe comes because we are blessed by God first (or else how do we pay the tithe in the first place?). We tithe because we believe that we are tithing to Him who is alive in Heaven therefore the tithe is our testament of our faith in the risen Christ.