Sunday, May 21, 2006

Of Grace and Tithe, Never the Twain Shall Meet?

Seems like I would like to add somethings with regards to Chris' response. I understand where he is coming from through the whole email although there's one sentence I am not very comfortable about "We are not saved by keeping the law but saved to keep the law."

Even though we are saved so that we can keep the law in its essence is true since Jesus is in us who has fulfilled the law and God sees Jesus in all of us, therefore we are already justified in God's eyes no matter what we do. However it is a thin fine line when we start to shift from knowing that the law was kept through Christ and then we are to keep the law on our own.

I have done a little Q&A with regards to Law & Grace though I must say the emails do show that the fellow brothers and sisters who respond to the email do understand the differences. If you find the Q&A useful please pass it around.

Note: I am using NLT bible.

Q: Why is the Law given to us?

"God's law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were" Romans 5:20

Q: Why do we need God's undeserving favour (Grace)?

"So just as sin ruled over people and brought them to death, now God's wonderful kindness rule instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom 5:21

Q: So do we still practise law then?

"Sin is no longer your master, for you are no longer subject to law, which enslaves you to sin. Instead you are free by God's grace." Rom 6:14

Q: Since we already have eternal life and free through Grace do we have the license to do what we want to do?

"Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?" Rom 6:2
"Now you are free from sin, your old master, and you have become slaves to your new master. righteousness (right- standing with God)" Rom 6:18

"But now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life." Rom 6:22

Q: You said we could do things that lead to holiness through Christ but how come I keep doing the same old (sinful) things? Am I saved or not?

"So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving Spirrit has freed you through Christ Jesis from the power of sin that leads to death." Romans 8:1-2

Q: Is there anyway for me to do good while not focusing on the law since we are already redeemed from it?

"through the power of the Holy Spirit you turn from it and its evil deeds, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God." Romans 8:13-14

In summary, we are redeemed by Christ, so the work of fulfilling the law is already done through the cross, and for us to live within the law is to be led by the Spirit. If we are to work our way to salvation through the law, we are actually rejecting the work on the cross. We are to rest so as to let the Holy Spirit work through us, led by Him and we are rightfully called the Children of God.

And with regards to tithing, I also used this verse to support it.

Matt 22:21
"give to Caesar what belongs to him. But everything that belongs to God must be given to God."

Since this passage deals with taxes (and thus money..since Jesus asked for the Roman coin), then the reply will be directly related to money as well.

If money belongs to God, no wonder God says we have stolen tithes and offerings from Him in the book of Malachi 3:8.

By the way, tithe means a to me there's no way to give whatever the heart is willing to give unless it is above the 10% since the meaning of a tithe is so clear.

And also, the tithe is instituted BEFORE the law as can be read from Genesis 14:20 when Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth (tithe) of what he has gathered from his raid.

Since the bible also says that Jesus priesthood comes from the line of Melchizedek (not Levi which is after the law is instituted), the tithe is given to Jesus before the law.

My stand on the issue is this:

  • We are saved by God through Christ and not law so we are already eternally saved. We can now look forward to being Royal Priest in heaven.
  • The tithe is instituted by God to bless us and redeem us further from the curse of the earth so that we can be blessed by Him on earth prior to Rapture.
  • It is also to give Honour to God for the money and riches of the earth belongs to Him and the return of the riches of earth is to acknowledge the rightful owner.
  • Of course I already shared why the 10% is needed so that, in my own words, to condition us to let go and let GOD.
  • I think once we know the true meaning of the tithe, then we should give the tithe with utmost sincerity and full understanding. I think those with full understanding will give out of thanksgiving and with trust in His ability to look after us according to the plans He has laid for us Jer 29:11.
Those who understand and yet do not give is still not under condemnation since the grace of God is more than sufficient. However, I can only say that by not giving, we are only letting ourselves missed out on better things God intends to as He blesses us with more things.

One can still give less than the 10% as God will understand but it is not in the spirit and true meaning of the word 'tithe'. If that's the case, do not call it a tithe but an offering. Do note that the promises of God relates to BOTH tithes and offerings in the book of Malachi.

I guess those who have eyes, let them read.

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