Sunday, May 21, 2006

What is Success?

What we do equals to success? What is success?

I no longer had confidence that blindly climbing the ladder of success was going to lead me to better and better places. I needed to know where "success" was taking me, and perhaps even more importantly, where it was stopping me from going. I realized then that if I couldn't take my soul along on the journey, then no matter how far I got, it was ultimately a dead end.

Today was one of those days when you are reminded that you are not doing enough to earn your keep in the company. It is one of those days when you thought you have done enough for the company that you worked in and then life's just throw a spanner into the whole thing and it just point to the fact that things are actually not going your way.

So in my mind comes the thought of when success is going to come my way? When fresh graduates are earning on average $2500 and to add salt to the wound, I am a Masters student. So what did I get so little? Did I value myself too low? Did I do something wrong?

Now. Here's the key word...DO...and also another key word Success. What is exactly do we mean by success? Why do we want to succeed in life? Who determines the level of success?

Why would people pay millions of dollars to buy a car that could speed at 300km/h but could only drive max 90km/h on the roads?

Some answers:

* So that I want to know that I have arrived.
* So that I can feel good.
* So that I can flash my status to other people.

But on serious thought, what is the underlying motive to be the top? To be successful? To be seen, to feel and to make a statement points to one thing, the rush of excitement when people sees you as good or better than them.

I agree with David above, that we need to know where success will lead us to or even prevent us to do something meaningful. Success means too many things to too many people but in materialistic Singapore, the word success means alot more than 5Cs now. I personally think that success has to something to do with the frame of mind we want to be in, that is to be fulfilled. I guess fulfillment is the key word here to effectively describe success.

But to add, if you count the number of 'I' in this post, how many? That's how we see ourselves, that we who are mortal can do a lot more if we allow the 'I' to be Christ. In that way, we can be like Christ, and allow God to describe the type of success that God wants each and everyone of us to have, in accordance to His plan for us (Jer 29:11)

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