Sunday, May 21, 2006

To Tithe or Not To Tithe...That Is The Question

Regarding the Dispatch on "Don't Buy a Lie" and "A Question of Ownership" there's this intrinsic link I wonder if the rest of the brothers and sisters saw it.


a) God is out to bless us even before the 1st coming of the Lord

b) After the 1st coming of the Lord, the work on the cross and the subsequent arrival of the Holy Spirit, God's heart of blessing us tremendously still stays albeit a lot more now than ever because of the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of curses of sin.

c) If the book of Deuteronomy is the truth then shows even more of God's unchanging character of generousity. If He can give His son and the Holy Spirit, then what's to Him to bless us with earthly things (on top of relationship and spiritual blessings?)


a) We Christians are living under the curse that we already have the power to escape from because of the Lord's work on the cross

b) We choose to hang on to our possessions even when the result of offering our possession to God means more blessings from Him. As in the second dispatch "A Question of Ownership" has pointed out.

Do We want to be Blessed in Every Area of our Lives?

From the email "A Question of Ownership":

"Otto realized something each of us must realize: To gain your life you must lose it, along with your possessions. It was only when he gave all his possessions to God that he became free from them. God measured back to him manifold once He had complete ownership."

I firmly believe that the above truth is easily shown in Malachi 3:8 as well. Although the subject matter is on tithing and offering, isn't it true that tithes and offerings comes from our possessions as well? We must understand that the tithes and offerings are from the fruits of our labour that means our salary and we should honor the Lord with our salary and then He will cause the Heaven to bless us extensively (Mal 3:10-12).

In the same way, Malachi did tell us that we are curse with a curse Mal 3:9. Sounds familiar? Being poor is a curse? So the way out of that curse, is to honor God with tithes.

Now a lot of people are saying about the law of tithing is abolished because the Lord has redeemed us from it. But the very first example of the tithe comes from Abraham so it is before the Law (actually tithing can also be seen in the garden of Eden. You may have all the fruits except from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil..which is the symbol of the 10%?). So it is wrong to associate the mandate of tithing with the law of moses even if the law stipulates tithing as well. Moses' law recognises the truth of tithing and reflect it in the law but it does not mean the law is above tithing since it is before tithing

We are not forced to tithe but tithing has its advantages

a) It forces us to let go of our possessions

b) It allows us to free from worry about our possessions

c) It reflect God's role in our lifes, His provision for our lives and reliance on Him

d) It allowed God to bless us even more (remember that love of money is the root of all evil)

e) Frees us from the snare of our love of money

I think it is time that we are to pry away from the love of money and use money as a tool instead being a slave to it. Use money to honor God and the very first act should be the tithe then offerings.

Do think about your attitude towards money when you find excuses not to tithe.

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